Contact Me

When you are ready to set up an appointment or would like to have a free phone consultation, feel free to reach out at:

Jason Wu, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist
Phone: 650-517-3213

Phone consultations typically last between 15-30 minutes, though I can be flexible based on your needs and the nature of the call. I may not be able to respond immediately, so if you are in a crisis situation, please dial 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.

If I do not answer immediately, please leave a voicemail with your name, contact information (phone number or email), a brief summary of your current concerns (optional: only if you want to, you can always just wait until we speak directly), and days/times that I can best reach you.

I would like to stress that there is no pressure to begin therapy after a phone consultation – if therapy is not in your best interest at this moment, we can use the time to figure out what might be the best fit for you for now instead – so please do not hesitate in reaching out!

Note: Email is not a secure or confidential method of communication, so if you do not want to share sensitive information through email, I would advise you to only email me for scheduling purposes and with limited information included so that we can meet face-to-face or find a time to speak over the phone in order to maintain confidentiality.